The Big Tour competition in Germany's Aachen ended up with a win for Swedish rider Anna Persson and her Castor son Cash Man with whom she finished with 57.65 seconds on the clock. In this two star 1m40 course she left her competitors in the dust. The second place went to Mexican's Jaime Guerre Piedra and his Lego 26 (by Camerque) in 58.97 seconds. While American rider Michael Hughes and his Jackson vd Bisschop finished in third place in only 59.93 seconds. The top five was then completed by Brazilian rider Marlon Modolo Zanotelli and his Dienellie, a Dutch Warmblood by Berlin, with whom he finished in fourth place in 60.49 seconds. In fifth place it was Germany's Vanessa Borgmann and her Caspar 227 with whom she finished in 61.28 seconds. Find all results here