Course designer for the FEI World Cup Finals, Anthony d’Ambrosio has spoken out about his courses and responds to the criticism he received from some of the riders that competed in Las Vegas last weekend. D'Ambrosio told our colleagues at Horse and Hound that he felt his courses were “appropriate”. D'Ambrosio received some heavy criticism from Olympic rider McLain Ward (USA), who eventually finished in 20th place after retiring in the first leg of the third round after a refusal, said on Facebook: For me it was the worst sport I have seen in any championships in my career. I am always the first to look to myself for reasons why I did not succeed but I have to say this is the most beaten I have felt in any recent memory. I honestly felt I could not find a way to answer the test presented by riding well, forward and smooth. It seems that the majority of the other riders faced the same challenge as I did. I have never seen so many top horses stop, crash and seem totally lost or so many top riders having to pull and kick their way to simply get in range of a good distance. The problem was not the height or width but was the approach to many of the fences. This week’s designer was a great rider and has been a top designer but just as we as riders and trainers must reflect on the job we do and our own performance so must course-designers to create a test that not only challenges the best but also produced great and fair sport.” Ward's post has received 2,600 likes and has even been praised by Australian rider Edwina Tops Alexander, who also had problems with the courses on her young mare. German rider Marcus Ehning also discussed the courses in detail in an interview on Noelle Floyd's website, which you can read here. Anthony d'Ambrosio has defended the courses, telling our colleagues at H&H: “I have read the comments made by McLain Ward and Marcus Ehning, two individuals for which I have great respect. I truly wish it had gone better for both of them at the final. As to the courses, I stand behind them, and feel that although there were some tough questions asked, such as the triple in friday’s final II , they were appropriate for a World Cup final, and made the best of the confines of the arena. In the end, I believe we had a good result each day, and I am impressed with how many young riders finished in the top 12. The future of the sport looks very strong. I congratulate all of the riders who took part, and admire them for their efforts during the week. I am happy to have been designing when Steve Guerdat won the title that had eluded him so many times. He is a fantastic rider and horseman." Photo : Guerdat the new World Cup Champion - ©Dirk Gallian for Equnews