With fierce competition from some of the biggest names in the sport, it was quite a surprise when the only 20-year-old Dutch rider Frank Schuttert snatched the win as first to go in the twelve horse winning round in the Preis AachenMünchener. Riding the scopey Epleasure van´t Heike (For Pleasure x Nabab de Reve), Schuttert took the lead as pathfinder in the second round – and putting stallion in top gear on the opening stretch and then taking out a stride on the next line, Frank had a good start over the shortened 1.55 eight-fence track that included a combination as the penultimate challenge. Crossing the finish line the clock stopped on 48.39 seconds. One rider after another had to see themselves defeated by Schuttert. Eric Lamaze, Reed Kessler, Jeroen Dubbeldam, Sergio Alvarez Moya, Henrik von Eckermann, Steve Guerdat, Gregory Wathelet and Katrin Eckermann all made mistakes in the chase for the talented rider´s time and slotted in behind him. As second last-to-go, Pieter Devos made a got bid for the win though. Riding Dylano (Cento Lano x Athlet Z), the Belgian rider did what he could – taking out a stride on the line from the third to the fourth vertical slotting in 0.50 seconds behind Schuttert. Third was another Dutch rider; as Maikel van der Vleuten and VDL Groep Verdi TN N.O.P. (Quidam de Revel x Landgraf I) as third to go did a clear round in 49.07 seconds only to be pushed down to third by Devos towards the end. The fourth and final clear in the winning round was delivered by home rider Christian Ahlmann on Cornado II (Cornet Obolensky x Acobat)