Both six and seven year old horses got to ride today at the Flanders Horse Event in Beervelde. With the six year old horses a total of 27 combinations passed the finish faultless. Meaning the prize money of €1,250 was divided amongst those faultless combinations. An other 3 horse-rider combinations kept the wood untouched, unfortunatly they crossed the finish a bit to late, resulting in time penalties. Sponsor of the young horses was Tal Milstein Stables. In both classes there was a sort of lottery to decide the winner, going home with a nice blanket and cup and cheque of the BWFA auction. For the six-years-old horses it was Bart Clarys and Best Mix Joie de Toulon (Toulon x Contact vd Heffinck). With the seven year old horses 22 pairs kept the score bord clear. In the end it was Bart Clarys' pupil, Julie de Pelsmaeker who claimed the win. Aboard Calypso van de Zuuthoeve (Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve), she brought home the prices and cheque of 500 Euro for her father - to use this week at the BWF Auction.