The Belgian teamchef, Peter Weinberg has announced his team for the European Championships in Ghotenborg, Sweden.   Belgium will be represented by:

  • Niels Bruynseels with Cas de Liberté. 11-year-old Cracky Z x Chellano Z-mare
  • Pieter Devos with Espoir. 13-year-old Surcouf de Revel x Laudanum XX gelding
  • Olivier Philippaerts with H&M Legend of Love 11-year-old Landzauber x Corgraf-mare.
  • Gregory Wathelet with Coree 11-year -old Cornet Obolensky x Liberty Life
  • Jérôme Guéry with Grand Cru van de Rozenberg Malito de Reves x Heartbreaker