It was a busy night in Wellington, Florida on December 5th. Tiffany Foster who competed at the showgrounds had parked her car during the competion of the Holiday and Horses. The next morning however it seemed that her car was stolen. Foster drove a black Range Rover Sport that was stolen right of the driveway. It turned out she wasn't the only victim of the car theft that weekend. Multiple vehicles were taken from the Palm Beach Polo Golf & Country club in that same evening. With the police stating that there was a group of guys going through the neighborhoods stealing pretty much everything they could find. Foster had not locked her car because of the fact they were in a Polo Club with private parking. The thieves also seemd active during the day. They stole parked cars from the Cunniffe family who stabled their horses in the barn at the showgrounds. Their cars were parked right in front of the barn and the vehicles as well as all wallets and personal items were taken. The Polo Club has taken action and installed some cameras and hired a night watch. Meanwhile the Palm Beach County Sherrif Department is urging Wellington Residents to be aware of their surroundings and personal belongings. They remind people to lock their cars and to park golf carts or dirt bikes out of sight to prevent vehicle burglaries.