In Mechelen the highlight of the year was the World Cup. The Nekkerhal was loaded with horsefans especially for this class. The riders got a difficult course presented which gave difficulties on different jumps. The time was a another difficulty for riders like Lorenzo de Luca, Denis Lynch and Celine Schoonbroodt-De Azevedo who all got one time penalty. 39 riders started this World Cup manche where only four of them got a clear round. The jump off round was for Ludger Beerbaum, Kevin Staut, Christian Ahlmann and Harrie Smolders, which promised some excitement. _________________________________________________________________________ QUICK RESULTS Ahlmann – Clintrexo Z Kevin Staut – Edesa’s Cannary Harrie Smolders – Don VHP Z N.O.P. _________________________________________________________________________ The first rider to enter the arena was Kevin Staut. We know Staut as a very fast rider, so it be be no surprise that he and his horse Edesa's Cannary (Caretino 2) rode a fast, clear round in a time of 40.98 seconds. This was directly the reference for the other riders, going clear and faster then Staut. The next rider to enter was the world number one: Harrie Smolders. As one of the best of the world he already proved he can put down a fast round. The Dutchman presented the crowd of Mechelen another demonstration. He made very short turns with his 14-year old Zangersheide stallion Don VHP Z N.O.P. (by Diamant de Semilly) but his time of 41.42 seconds wasn't fast enough to beat Staut from the first place. The living German legend Ludger Beerbaum entered next in the arena. Last year he broke his colar bone in the World Cup of Mechelen. But today he stayed in the saddle of Casello (by Casall). Ludger wanted to take revanche for last year but his turn to the dubble was a little to sharp which leaded to a stop. And last but not least, Christian Ahlmann the 'leady rider' off Zangersheide was maybe the example of German efficience and speed. He came into the arena with one purpose, taking the gold home. On the back of Clintrexo Z, a 9-year old Clintissimo Z stallion he went on spectacular way through the finish in 39.97 seconds which was more than one second faster than Staut. The fifth place went to Irish rider Denis Lynch with one time penalty in the first round. He started this class with The Sinner, a 10-year old gelding by Savaro. Click here for the results.