Today in the 1m45 Gold Tour in the MET Tour we found an interesting combination in the startlinglists. It was Dutch rider Gert-Jan Bruggink who would compete with his old buddy Umeunig. The Untouchable son used to be ridden by the Dutch rider, before moving to Germany's Katharina Offel. In march 2014 it was the last time the combination competed in Germany's Dortmund. It was then Dutch rider Wesley Mulder who remotely took place in the saddle of the stallion. But after a few months the horse was sold to Offel, and became one of her best competing horses. Last year she won the Grand Prix in Spain's Vejer de la Frontera with Umeunig, while also winning a few months later in Belgian's Opglabbeek in the Grand Prix. Last month she started the stallion for the last time at Indoor Drachten in The Netherlands. However she suffered a bad fall yesterday and had to be brought to the hospital for a check-up. Docters adviced her to take it easy for a while, and now while she is resting up, it is once more the Dutch rider who competed with his old friend. Together with the eleven year old stallion he rode to a beautiful seventh place. With a time of 37.14 seconds, they endured a promising start of this weekend. The win however went to the French rider Guillaume Foutrier and his Tchin de la Tour (by Chin Chin) who jumped a clear double round in 36.15 seconds and to Irish rider Ivan Dalton and his Umana des Dragons (by Diamant de Semilly) who shared the first place. It was then Equnews rider Jean Christophe de Grande who completed the top three with his Belano VD Wijnhoeve Z (by Berlin).   Find all results here