For a while it looked like they would have needed to carpool but not short after Dutch Priscilla Klink and Irish Conor Drain were the only riders to jump the wall in the puissance at it highest sponsors Jan Schuttert and René Viscaal that announced they would nog be giving away one, but two cars! It was a exciting night during the floodlight Puissance in Ommen yesterday evening. Starting at 1.60m it were only Drain and Klink left trying to tackle the wall at 2.17m and both manage, but did jump a block out of the wall. However they did share the win and both received a brand new Ford Fiësta. "This is really a amazing feat for my horse as he has never jumped higher then 1.60"said a clearly pleased Drain after his ride. Klink, who also broke a record: " Puissance is something nice and different to do.My personal record was 2.05, so tonight was fantastic. But I was a bit scared that Bangaro would stop, but he went for it 100%."
foto by FotoTrailer