There was a betting war tonight at the online Zangersheide auction. Potential young super stars were offered in this online auction concluding on Tuesday December 12. Eventually it was Ascaine Z (Asca Z x Caretano Z) who was crowned as best selling horse. The daughter of the 17-year-old Cocaine Z was sold for 60.000 euro to Belgium. Equy Peguignon was the second most expensive horse. the 3-year-old Lux Z x Diamant de Semilly-horse was sold to Poland for a total of 41.000 euro. Nesquick ter Goes Z (Nabab de Reve x Lord Byron Z) moves to Germany as third most expensive horse, after bidding stopped at 39.000 euro. A total of 23 horses were offered, for a total of 488.001 euro. This is an average of 21.217 euro for each horse. Click here for the results