Belgian Show jumper Karline de Brabander is guest blogging for while she is competing at CSI5* Leipzig. Here is Day 3 (Saturday's blog post). "Saturday was a very long day, Hos had to jump at 10:45 am and Fantomas only had to jump at 10:45pm. I made a mistake with Hos as I came a little too close to an oxer, I still have difficulty managing his gallop. At 13:00 there was a Championship of Leipzig competition, again I could not take part as agreed by the organisers. So we were encouraging the other riders. The triple and the double were huge, it seemed very hard but in the end there were 18 clear rounds. Judy Ann Melchior has a very good round and finished fifth. After the class, Michael Whitaker showed us a video of a 3 year old horse jumping, it was by a former great horse and wow it's jump was amazing. After we continued to talk and eat together. At 8:45pm I rode Elvis in a 1.45m speed class. He jumped really well and that's what matters to me. After that I prepared Fantomas for the 6 bars competition, a class that is normally his specialty.  Just before I got on, Luca Maria Moneta came over, his horse was injured during the class so he needed a horse for the prize giving because if you don't go to it you don't get your prize money. So I prepared Fantomas, who is not normally impressed by that kind of thing. But if that should ever happen to me I would like someone to help me too. In the collecting ring I felt he became very strong, during the class he ran away with me and cut some of the lines short. That affected his jump and the penultimate fence fell, I must say that I am disappointed, but he has already done so much. Even if I didn't loan him to Luca, the fence still could have fallen....."   Day 1 of Karline's blog Day 2 of Karline's blog