In the Audi- van Mossel price it was Frank Schuttert and his Numero Uno-son Winchester HS, who claimed the first spot. The pair finished their round in 69.07 seconds. Jeroen Dubbeldam, the favorit after his WEG win, followed in a second place with SFN Zenith N.O.P. (by Rash R.) Third place was for Verlooy-rider, Harrie Smolders and Don VHP Z (by Diamant de Semilly). They finished in 71.93 seconds. The top five was completed by Vincent Voorn (Quinlan) and Leopold van Asten (VDL Groep Zidane). Stefanie van den Brink and her favorit, Ace, made it to the sixth spot. frank-schutter-winchester-NKMierlo15-2