In the Swiss city of Sankt Gallen, the French team won the Nations Cup of Switzerland.

  1. Frankrijk - 0 strafpunten, 44,09 seconden
  2. Italië - 0 strafpunten, 44,54 seconden
  3. Zwitserland - 4 strafpunten, 43,46 seconden

The French team of Thierry Pomel won thanks to the great riding skills of Penelope Leprevost, Guillaume Foutrier, Nicolas Delmotte and Kevin Staut. Leprévost went double clear with Vancouver de Lanlore (Toulon), Delmotte and Urvoso du Roch (Nervoso) did the same thing. Italy finished second with a bit more time on the clock, The Swiss team finished third with 4 penalties. Click here for the complete result.