Gerco Schröder, 36 , has won team gold at both the World Equestrian Games and the FEI Nations Cup Finals, and team and individual silver at the London Olympics, all on his chestnut stallion. Glocks London. - How do you feel after your victory with the Dutch team at the World Equestrian Games ? I still feel very fit. The Dutch team really know how to deliver superb performances . - Many things have changed now since you no longer ride for Eurocommerce. It is of course sad that I can no longer ride for the Eurocommerce stables but with Glock I can keep my top horse London. Everything that the Glock family do for me is fantastic, at the moment we are working with new horses. - How would you describe your time spent at the Eurocommerce Stables ? It was a beautiful time for me. We had built a very competitive team from scratch. We were known for many years as being successful. Of course it is a shame that's it's over but I have very good memories. - How did you start riding ?  I started riding when I seven years old, mostly just for fun. My brothers also rode, so I was thrown into the deep end from a very young age. They put me on a pony and I haven't stopped since. - Why did you choose Show Jumping and not Dressage ? I think it was because my brothers were Show jumping. When I was a kid I loved jumping and found it more thrilling than Dressage. My awareness of the importance of Dressage didn't arrive until I was older, I suppose. But now I know that Dressage is essential when it comes to training for Show Jumping. - Do you wish to compete at the next Olympics with London ? Yes, I hope so. London is very healthy and he is only 12 years old, so hopefully we can go to Rio. - What has been your biggest achievement ?  Its hard to pick one in particular. I am very fortunate to have experienced some great achievements in my career. If I had to choose one, I still think my two silver medals at the 2012 Olympics were very special. But I am very happy with all of my victories and my positions on the World Rankings. - Do you think that London is the best horse that you have ever had ?  Yes, London is definitely my best horse. image - How many horses do you have at the moment ?  I currently ride nine horses. In our stables, we have about forty five horses. - Do you ever get nervous before a competition ?  It depends on the competition. But when it is a championship then there is always a certain tension. At these key moments , we have to do as much as possible to have clear rounds. - Do you have a specific routine before a competition ? Are you superstitious ?  If I do something specific for a competition and it goes well, then maybe I'll do it for the next competition. But nevertheless, I'm not really superstitious. - What would you still like to achieve in your career ?  I don't have specific goals. I appreciate every day that I get to spend with my horses and prepare them for the highest level. I of course try to get my horses to the top of their game and to produce the best performances. But I really like to work with young horses and prepare them for the bigger competitions. I think that it's a beautiful process. - Who was, and perhaps still is, your role model in the Equestrian world ? I was trained by Jos Lansink for a long time. So Jos was for sure a great role model for me. He still is. Original interview by - translated by Lorinda Crowley for