The Silver Olympic medalist H&M All In, the horse of Peder Fredricson, had surgery today in a clinic in Malmö. The vet said the everything went according to plan. 'H&M All In had a surgery at his intestines and everything went well. The prognosis is very good. The chance of a total recovery is 95% to 98% percent. With total recovery I mean that the horse wel be able compete at the highest level again". The 10-year old son of Kashmir van Schuttershof could leave the clinic today already and is on his way home. Fredericson and the surgeon talked everything through. "The surgeon reassured be that everything went well. I hope All In won't be having this colic attacks anymore after this surgery", says the rider. "It must be a big relieve for him not to suffer from convulsions anymore". All In needs to stay in his stable for two weeks now After that, I can slowly start working again. If the check-up in eight weeks is good, he can start training again. Fredericson says he will take it slow: "The most important thing is the health of my horse. I'm not in a rush to start again. Most important is that All In gets better again".