French rider Anne-Sophie Hemeryk Godart has been living in Belgium for many years with her husband Rik Hemeryk, who is also an international Show Jumper. Anne-Sophie owes her success to the 14 year old stallion Carlitto van't Zorgvliet, with whom she has competed at the highest level. You have had a very succesfull year, can you give us an overview of this season ? This year I started the season really well until May, then after that, i had a really unsuccesful few months. Carlitto seemed to reach his limit, he needed a break I think. In my personal life, I had a lot of problems that affected me, so it was not easy. That's why I think, that there was a low this year. What are your goals for the coming year? I would like to repeat my performances of the beginning of 2014 and even be a little more consistent. Why not redo the Nations Cup if results permit me. But one thing at a time, first we will see what happens in performance. But it is certain that the Nations Cup is, I think, the dream of every rider. What is it like working with Rik Hemeryck? Rik and I sometimes swap our horses, but mainly the horses we have are competed by him. A lot of the owners will only entrust the horses to Rik, and we respect that, so i help when I can. Can you tell us about Carlitto van't Zorgvliet your main horse? Carlitto is a special horse with a big character. His problem is that he is totally unpredictable, whether its in competition or in his stable. But we know him well and we know when he is going to try to bite us. I have realized that he is also half claustrophobic, anyway I think. That is, he does not like when it is completely enclosed. It depends on the competition, if they are in hard boxes where he can hang his head out, everything is fine. On the other hand, if it is enclosed and he can not get his head out, then he is more aggressive with us. Do you have any stories, anecdotes or memories associated with him that you can tell us? I have many great stories about him. For example the prize when one feels that the horse knows he has done well, it's a nice feeling. Winning twice Mechelen, Antwerp, fourth place in Lummen and of course my two times in Hong Kong are very good memories. All these competitions it was my first great experiences and we have evolved together. There are bad memories, but i also have a lot of good ones too. For example the day after a competition when I handed him the tapes at night as I always do in his box he reared and almost ripped my arm, I'm still scarred. I have his little teeth etched forever on my arm. Anyway I only keep the good memories with him, there are so many. Finally if you could ride another horse today, what would it be? Flora de Mariposa, I've always loved this mare since she was 8 years old. This is a top competition mare I find, I have never ridden her, maybe she is sharp but she looks so carefull of the fences, it makes you want her, she's a genius. Original interview by Equnews France.