Individual and Team European Champion  and double bronze medalist at the Athens Olympics, Marco Kutscher is one of the most successful names in Show Jumping. Also known for successfully coping with the difficult but legendary Cornet Obolensky, the German rider is now back at the highest level with two top horses. Equnews France sat down with Kutscher at the LGCT in Cannes to talk about his horses and whether or not moving away from Stal Beerbaum affected his results. You recently won the Grand Prix at the Longines Athina Onassis Horse Show with Cornet's Cristallo. How would you describe your round and would you change anything in hindsight ? I'm really happy with this victory, of course I'm always happy when I win but this was really special. The jump-off required a very fast time and my horse has always done an excellent job when I have put him in awkward and difficult situations, he really helped me. In any case, I am very happy with the last few competitions, I had really good results, especially with Cornet's Cristallo who had a very good show in Shanghai and St Tropez. He seems to be in very good shape for the next competition to come. He will also in Monaco after a week's break. This is however a tough schedule for any horse, so I hope that he will stay in shape. DSC_0842 You currently have two horses capable of jumping championships. Which horse do you think you will aim for an upcoming championship ? For a championship, I rather choose Liberty Son. Indeed, Cornet's Cristallo does not jump water jumps very well and is more suited to jump in smaller arena like here in Cannes or at indoor shows . That is why I would choose Liberty Son for championships if I am selected, especially for Aachen this summer. I saved him during this winter season for the outdoor circuit because he prefers the big arenas. So he jumped in Madrid where he was placed and he also jumped in Aachen. We made ​​two mistakes at the end of the Grand Prix, he jumped very well but it was not enough in my opinion. Right now he is not in great form, he jumps well but I have had much better performances with him in the past so I always hope to improve so that I can have a chance to be on the team for the European Championships in Aachen. You left Stal Beerbaum last year to start up on your own. Do you think your new set up has affected your results? No I do not think it has changed anything. I proceed exactly the same and I still have the same horses, which is very nice indeed. I have not changed my system. I still work together with Ludger , the only thing that has changed is the new location. So I'm training in my new stables but I try to do as I have done in the last fifteen years with Ludger. Of course in our sport, you're always trying to improve things and times change but it is steadily improving and it is what I try to do. Anyway, I had a lot of success with the system I have so I will not try to change it. DSC_0628 Cornet's Cristallo is a son of Cornet Obolensky, the legend you've rode before he left for breeding. Can you give us some similarities between the two? The similarity between the two is their ease for  jumping  all the jumps they face. However, Cornet's Cristallo is even easier because he is more manageable than his father was,  but he can jump all kinds of obstacles so easily as we have seen in the jump-off of the Grand Prix of St Tropez when he turned very tight before the double, you can not do that with just any horse. He is also naturally faster than his father. Finally, if you were able to ride any horse now at the highest level, who would it be? Many people have asked me this question that I do not know answer. I am very happy with my horses that I already have in my stables and I try to do my best with them. Anyway I do not have the money to buy a horse that could please me now so I do not think about riding the other top horses. Photos ©Equnews