The Italian team won the Nations Cup in Athens tonight. The team was made up out of Barbara Sutter with Ginevra SI (Caretello B), Luca Inselvini with Galvano vd Vlasput (Calvaro Z), Eugenio Grimadi with Hurricaine vd Fruitkorf (Darco) end Filippo Martini di Cigala with Pupillo dell'Esercito Italiano (Lucky Strike). In the first round, they al went clear except for Martini Di Cigala, who got four penalties. In the second round it was only Barbara Sutter who managed to clear all the fences. The team won with a total of 8 penalties. The Bulgarian team of Ivaylo Bonev, Angel Niagolov, Ventsislav Izov and Anton Datzinski finished second with 12 penalties, the Ukrainian riders followed with 23 penalties. Click here for the complete result.