Press Release & Photo : La Coruna CSI4* Press At 16.45 started the Grand Prix CaixaBank  Tyco Trophy. The course designed by Javier Trenor had a total of 13 obstacles and 16 efforts with height of 1.60m. The first clear round did not come until number 21, from the hand of Henk van de Pol with Willink. 40 competed in the class and only 5 progressed to the second round without penalties. Spaniards Manuel Fernandez Saro and Laura Roquet did it with 1 point and Santiago Nunez Riva with 4 points. The French rider Julien Epaillard, who has been unbeatable in this XXX edition, was the winner of the Grand Prix Caixabank, being clear round in a time of 48.80 seconds. Epaillard, without doubt, has been the most prominent rider of the competition. The Swiss rider Nadja Peter Steiner went for it but could not beat the time of the French rider, finishing in second place. Completing the podium was Dutch rider Henk van de Pol.