Yesterday the qualification for Friday's Jumping Clash Challenge was ridden. With barely a second between their times Italy’s Emmanuele Gaudiano, Brazil’s Pedro Veniss, Belgium’s Constant van Paesschen and France’s Patrice Delaveau all rode a fast clear to secure their place as the Challenger Riders. The Challengers will now go head to head with Seeded Riders Daniel Deusser, Christian Ahlmann, Eric Lamaze and Simon Delestre in the ACCENTURE JUMPINGCLASH CHALLENGE Quarter Final on Friday 21 April. The draw to determine who goes head to head will take place on Thursday 20 April during the JUMPINGCLASH CHALLENGE presentation at 17:30 in the JUMPINGCLASH CHALLENGE Paddock. When Italian rider Emmanuele Gaudiano was asked who he would least like to be drawn against, he said his fear was the flying Frenchman, Simon Delestre! Everyone is welcome during this presentation for a free drink and a bite!