Going ninth in an 11-horse jump-off, with six clean jump-off trips before her, Karen Polle knew she and Bottom Line had to focus on speed if they wanted to win the $10,000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper 1.45m Classic, presented by Vetera® XP Vaccines on Sunday at HITS-on-the-Hudson VI. "She's probably the fastest horse in the class, so I basically just have to stay out of her way and let her do it. And it worked out," said Polle, after her win, in which she bested the second place competitor by more than two seconds out of a total field of 28 competitors. "I love competing here, so it was nice to win." The lead changed hands several times throughout the jump-off. Rounds three through five were each clear and faster than the previous competitor. Third-place finisher Adrienne Marciano and her Laspari went seventh and finished in 39.736, the fastest time yet. Lucy Deslauriers on Hamlet, owned by Lisa Deslauriers, who ultimately finished second, went next and finished in 38.864 to set the new Great American Time to Beat. Polle and Bottom Line went after Deslauriers and Hamlet, and completed the course in a blazing 36.494, 2.37 seconds faster than the previous ride. The penultimate entry retired and the last entry went clear but in a slower time, earning Polle and Bottom Line bragging rights and the blue ribbon. The Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Classic is held each week at HITS-on-the-Hudson in Saugerties, New York, and is a qualifier for the Vetera® XP Vaccines $250,000 Junior/Amateur-Owner Jumper Prix at the HITS Championship September 2-6.