The audience burst into applauds when Martin Fuchs and his 10 years old bay gelding PSG Future from Switzerland crossed the finish line as winners of the CS15* UB Grand Prix at Helsinki International UB Horse Show today Saturday. Bart Bles on Lord Sandro Ddh from the Netherlands was second and Henrik von Eckermann on Crespo PKZ third in the fully charged arena, on the third competition day. Totally twelve out of the 43 riders cleared the first round without faults. Obstacle no. 12 occurred in a rather tricky place causing the horses to ask which jump they were supposed to take after a quick turn, so a pole was taken down there by most of the riders. The jump-off had clearer course lines and more space, and even six riders in the jump-off made it without faults. The breath-taking quest for speed in the jump-off warmed up even the coldest of Finns, taking the enjoyment of top-level equestrian sports to the max. The winner Martin Fuchs who is this year’s Swiss champion and Young Riders European Champion of 2012 is only 22 years old. When asked about the secret to his success at such an early age the rider answers: - This was my first five-star GP win and only the second GP in my whole career. It’s great to have won it here, in almost my second home country. Since the beginning, I have had really nice horses and good training from my parents. Several horse-owners and sponsors support me, not to forget my girlfriend (Anna-)Julia (Kontio), she is a big part of my success. We always try to help each other and push each other further. Bart Bles from the Netherlands who was second today, was fifth in the Oslo GP. - My horse felt really good today and last weekend in Oslo went really well too. The result today was very good. The horse is 12 years old now, so I hope I can compete a couple of more years with him. Henrik von Eckermann from Sweden in the third place has been working with Ludger Beerbaum over 10 years now. He too is thankful of his mount. - I have a really nice horse now. He is only 8 years old, and he's been with me on and off: he was sold but now he is back with me again. Last weekend we did a clear round also in the Grand Prix but had a fence in the jump-off and did not get a prize. When asked if he could have squeezed off a couple of more seconds, Eckermann admits: - I could have maybe gone faster in the jump-off, because from the number two fence to number three, in the sharp turn to the oxer, I did one too many strides. That cost me a bit. But I am happy to finish with a clear round and third place. Anna-Julia Kontio and Fardon pleased the crowed with a beautiful clear round. In the jump-off Fardon had two fences down. - What happened in the jump-off is something that happens sometimes with Fardon. When I try to go fast, he starts to jump flat and we get faults. Tomorrow in the World Cup I plan to ride the same as today, a clear first round but hopefully a better jump-off. I like the GP course. The other courses this weekend have also been nice, but this one I think was very nice to ride. Satu Liukkonen was quite unlucky, having taken down only one pole in the first round. - I don't really know why my horse dropped the pole. My first feeling was that she did not take off with the behind legs even, so we got the fault. UB Grand Prix 160 cm, one jump off. Starts 43, placings 12. 1) Martin Fuchs/PSG Future SUI 0-0/36,09 2) Bart Bles/Lord Sandro Ddh NED 0-0/36,38 3) Henrik von Eckermann/Crespo PKZ SWE 0-0/36,62 4) Jur Vrieling/Flash Dance V. Kalevallei NED 0-0/37,36 5) Marco Kutscher/Balermo GER 0-0/38,83 6) Maikel van der Vleuten/VDL Groep Arera C NED 0-0/39,78 7) Cameron Hanley/Caretina de Joter IRL 0-4/35,92 8) Steve Guerdat/Albfuehren's Paille SUI 0-4/36,83 9) Philipp Weishaupt/Carinou GER 0-4/38,43 10) Dag Ove Kingsrod/Dimaro vd Looise Heide NOR 0-4/40,59 11) Christian Ahlmann/Aragon Z GER 0-8/38,10 12) Anna-Julia Kontio/Fardon FIN 0-8/39,91 …16) Satu Liukkonen/Celestine FIN 4/69,08 …26) Sebastian Numminen/Cue Channa 42 FIN 8/70,90 …32) Jessica Timgren/Vaillant FIN 13/72,55 …36) Lotta-Riikka Rintamäki/Cosma Shiva FIN 16/87,52 …39) Mikko Mäentausta/Quenaro FIN 20/68,88