Lisen_Bratt_Fredericson.jpgThe Swedish showjumper Lisen Bratt Fredricson has sold her Olympic horse to the Argentinian rider José Maria Larocca. Lisen and the now 11-year-old Matrix (s. Cardento) rode several victories together – the latest win came a little over two weeks ago in the national Grand Prix in Borås. In 2011 both ended first at the 3-star Nations Cup in Lissabon. In 2012 Matrix and Lisen were a part of the Olympic Swedish team in London. Lisen bought the now 11 year old Matrix (Cardento x Maximus) as a 7 year old, and brought him up to international level. "It is with mixed emotions that I’m selling Matrix,” Lisen states in a press release. Matrix is a fantastic horse with all the qualities I look for in a good showjumper, but first and foremost he’s a real fighter. I’m really going to miss working with him. At the same time it feels good to show that one can buy horses in Sweden, educate, compete and then sell them on. As we work professionally and on long-term with our own business it feels good to have done this in order to develop our business further and invest in new talents,” Lisen states. “José is a very good rider and I’m sure that he and Matrix will have many successful years together.” source: Press release Lisen Bratt photo: hestemagazine