jessica_springsteenJessica Springsteen has found her new ride in Darragh Kerin's Lisona (OBOS Quality 004 x Porsch). Bruce Springsteen's daughter bought the 12-year-old Irish bred mare who has been very successful under Kerin's saddle over the last three years. The pair won the Nations Cups at Hickstead and Dublin in 2012. The rider (Darragh Kerins) states in his press release that this decision was hard to make. "As well as for me as for Maarten Huygens (co-owner) it was a hard decision to make, as Lisona achieved so many great wins for us and Team Ireland. She is a great mare and will be very sadly missed in my barn. I wish her new owner, Jessica Springsteen, the very best of luck with her,” Kerins says Horse Sport Ireland. © Horse Sport Ireland/