In last nights World Cup Final in Omaha there was little luck for Belgian rider Nicola Philippaerts. In the second round he finished with 12 penalties with his H&M Harley vd Bisschop (by Dulf vd Bisschop) and left the arena with a disappointed feeling. Today in the standings he was reduced to a 18th place and after a quick follow up with his father Ludo Philippaerts, he decided it would be better to spare the young Harley and withdraw from the Finals.   "Today did not go very well“ says Nicola Philippaerts. "We started pretty good at our course, but then at the fourth or fifth jump the jump went down. After that things went downward. I think the final might have come a bit to early. I will start him on saturday, but not in the final round on sunday. It's better to give him his rest and after this show I will prepare him slowly for the outdoor season." The top 30 will start sunday in the first round of the finals, then in the second round it will be between the top 20.