Tonight the first lap of the new Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup series will start in Al Ain. Germany may kick off with their B-team. Jörg Naeve (Calado 2), Katrin Eckermann (Carlson 46), Patrick Stühlmeyer (Lacan 2) and Holger Wulschner (Cavity G) will be th firsts to compete in this Nations Cup The Netherlands will start in fourth place after Egypt and Qatar. The Netherlands will be represented by Eric Van der Vleuten Jr. (Wan Architect), Aniek Poels (Baggio 11), Frank Schuttert (Winchester HS) and Maikel Van der Vleuten (Kisby). In total there will be about 120.000 euro to be divided in this competition. Starting order: 1. Germany 2. Egypt 3. Qatar 4. The Netherlands 5. France 6. United Arab Emirates 7. Great Britain 8. Saudi Arabia 9. Ukraine source: