Next Wednesday and Thursday the World Championships for Young Horses will be organized in Lanaken, Belgium. At the same time the Belgian Championships for Senior Show Jumping is held. The finals will be ridden on Saturday September 20th.

Reigning Belgian Champion, Gregory Wathelet, will compete against the Belgian Top. Dominique Joassin, Wouter Devos and Judy-Ann Melchior got a wildcard while the top 35 of the Belgian ranking will be at the start as well. At this Belgian Championship the vice-Belgian Champion will make his comeback with Candy. In Lummen, 2014, the mare got injured and is now finally ready for the sport.

Tijdens dit BK zal de vice-Belgische kampioen van vorig jaar, Pieter Devos, zijn comeback maken met Candy. Zij viel in Lummen geblesseerd uit en lijkt nu klaar te zijn voor haar comeback.

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