Jan Tops, Founder and President Longines Global Champions Tour: “[Scott and Harrie] have really made a stamp on the Tour. Scott won already twice the Global Champions Tour the last few years - it’s very difficult to win. The real Champion has to be an extremely good horseman and manager to win this type of circuit. I must say this year the changes we really like - to have the shorter Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix with 25 horses in it means it is a quicker class, with the League the qualifier for it. For the riders it means they get twice the good money, but for the public they enjoy the class, with an exciting jump-off. It’s the highest level, you saw today again Uliano [Vezzani] made a fantastic course. You have to have an all-round good horse. I really like the sport, and I like to see the sport progress. For example, every year we make sure everything is better and better - better conditions for the riders, horses and owners. We think it’s important for the sport that all stakeholders benefit, and we try to make sure that people outside of the sport can follow it as well. I’ve been a rider in the past, which means I can see from all angles what is important for the whole sport." Gérard Manzinali, President Jumping Chantilly: “This is the 8th year that Jumping Chantilly hosts the Longines Global Champions Tour, but still no French victory! But to have Philippe on the podium is great for the French crowd, well done to Scott and of course to the great winner Harrie Smolders.” Harrie Smolders (NED), LGCT Grand Prix of Chantilly Winner: “I’m very pleased with Emerald and he deserves the credit for the results this week. He felt very good at home but it’s never a guarantee that it turns out like this. Yesterday clear, and today three clears, with the win in the GCL and GCT - it’s amazing. When I did my round I thought I wasn’t fast enough actually. I was very smooth every where but had two steady moments which for sure someone saw for Scott. So I left a little gap open, but finally it was enough!" Scott Brash (GBR), LGCT Grand Prix of Chantilly 2nd place: “Hello Forever was amazing today - I was just too slow in the last class! I must say you can’t take it away from Harrie Smolders, he did an amazing jump-off round, he was very fast. I did everything I could and I’m delighted with my horse. I’ve juggled around with bits in the past with him, but the double bridle works great - perhaps the turning is not quite amazing yet, and I probably lost it back to the second last as I wasn’t tight enough there. But we’re going in the right direction and he’s jumped great this weekend. I still feel far away [in the Championship] if you see Harrie’s result - he’s done amazing. We’ll keep trying and there’s still a lot of jumping to go." Philippe Rozier (FRA), LGCT Grand Prix of Chantilly 3rd place: “My horse jumped amazing today. He jumped only today so to be ready for the Nations Cup in Aachen next week. A big thank you to Jan for his horsemanship with the courses, so my horse could improve, come back and be ready in perfect preparation for next week."