Jubilant Rolf-Goran Bengtsson celebrated a dream come true as he was declared Champion of Champions at the 2016 final at AL SHAQAB in Qatar. Rolf and his extraordinary 17-year-old stallion Casall ASK secured victory after nearest rival Edwina Tops-Alexander had a shock exit in the first round of the Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix of Doha. Edwina’s surprise 8 faults on Lintea Tequila put her out of the second round leaving Rolf to fulfil his long-cherished dream of taking the prestigious Tour title, and missing out on a historic Championship hat-trick. It was the culmination of a fantastically consistent season with Casall with the pair taking wins in Valkenswaard and Paris and podium finishes at other stops on the circuit. His powerful season performance propelled him into pole position in the ranking for the final leg in Doha. Rolf’s victory will see him take the lion’s share of the €1 million bonus prize money as he takes his place in LGCT history.