A new month is a new Longines world ranking, this time with the top three spots unchanged. Simon Delestre stays on top with a total of 3085 points. Germany's Christian Ahlmann is closing the gap following is runner-up with only 96 points difference. Former world number one, Scott Brash is still in a third place. The numbers four and five have switched places. Ward McLain has turned in his fifth spot for the fourth place, while Pénélope Leprévost is going down one place completing the current top five. Further the top ten riders stay in the top ten with minor changes. Kent Farrington, Gregory Wathelet, Kevin Staut, Bertram Allen and Beezie Madden form the top ten of this month's Longines Ranking. In the top fifty it is Canada's former Olympic Champion, Eric Lamaze, who jumps ahead the most places. With a total of 2029 points, lamaze turns in his 34th place for the 24th spot. Last month Lamaze won at the Nations Cup in Coapexpan and at the CSI5* in Antwerp. In the top 100 it is however Tiffany Foster who made the most remarkable jump. Tiffany changed her 97th place for being the n° 74. Foster collected some necessary points in both Antwerp, Wellington and Coapexpan.