The Olympics are getting closer and closer. This morning we already reported about the Brazilian team for Rio, this time it is Switzerland that announced which team will be representing their country. Switzerland was on of the only countries that didn't chose their team yet. The chef d'equipe Andy Kistler selected five riders. The five riders who will represent Switzerland during the jumping competitions are: Romain Duguet (Quorida de Treho) Paul Estermaan (Castlefield Eclipse) Martin Fuchs (Clooney 51) Steve Guerdat (Nino des Buissonnets) Janika Sprunger (Bonne Chance CW) Steve Guerdat is the reigning Olympic Champion. He also participated at the Olympics in Athens of 2004. He is the most experienced rider of the team when it comes to the Olympics. Paul Estermann already had the honor to ride in London in 2012. For the other riders of the team Rio will be their Olympic debut.