Jumping against 17 competitors, Minikus prevailed as the victor in the course set by Mauricio Garcia (Archer, FL). “I thought it was a pretty nice course for a $30,000 Grand Prix, and there ended up being 5 horses clear, and I got the luck of the draw and got to go last in the jump-off,” stated Minikus. “All I had to do was go clear, which sometimes is harder to do than you think,” Minikus elaborated. “[This horse] won last week so he’s doing a good job. He’s a horse that a friend of mine and I bought in Belgium and I let a young lady show him for a while in the junior jumpers then I started riding him myself.” “We’re hoping that somebody needs a nice young rider horse, but until then if he wants to keep winning Grand Prix’s with me riding him, then that’s okay too,” Minikus concluded.