Two World Champions crowned at the last Tryon Equestrian Games, the winner of the 4* Grand Prix of Valencia and some talented rookies – Robert Ridland's selection for the third edition of the Riders Masters Cup has a solid lineup to respond to Riders Europe. McLain Ward will be the undeniable leader of Riders USA and will arrive in Paris with particularly strong motivation: "I always enter the ring thinking I will win, and that applies to the Riders Masters Cup! It doesn't always work, but it's always my intention. It's a "head-to-head" competition and you have to win your duel first. I promise you that I will do my part, and then I will encourage my teammates to do theirs!" The world No. 5 will be joined by his Tryon gold medal partner, Laura Kraut. Supporting these seasoned champions, Ridland will have a lot of young talent to choose from including Jessica Springsteen (27 years old), winner of the Queen's Cup this summer in Barcelona, Spencer Smith (22 years old), the student of Olympic Champion Eric Lamaze and winner of the Grand Prix of the CSI4* in Valencia last summer,Taylor Alexander (24 years old), Wilton Porter (24 years old) winner of the 1.50 m at Samorin's CSI 4*, and Lucas Porter (21 years old). Robert Ridland is sure to build a strong team to try to take back the title that Riders Europe has held since the creation of the Riders Masters Cup. McLain Ward is coming to win and understands how important the Riders Masters Cup is to the future of the sport: "It is already a great competition. Look at the quality of the participating riders! The Europeans send their best riders to Paris. For our team, it's a little more complicated since there are fewer American riders competing in Paris, but the best of us will be there. This is what makes this event so important". The announcement of the 5 team members will be Wednesday, November 28 at the U.S. Embassy as well as the draw for the first five duels. Once decided, the teams will meet in the ring on  December 1st for this exciting competition.