The 12th Annual $ 24,975 PJA Grand Prix of the PJA Classics all jumper show. The show was held at the spacious Swan Lake Stables show grounds, where riders enjoyed three days of action packed show jumping and parties. Course builder Pierre Jolicoeur of Wellington, Florida set a very technical course for the 36 starters consisting of rookies and seasoned veterans. The 16 jumping effort course included a triple and double combination and a delicate skinny vertical which saw only 6 horses qualify for the jump off. Leading off the dash for cash was Jennifer Rossire on the 1st of her two horses "Marshmellow". Jennifer put in a very fast clean round in a time of 38.047. "Canoso" and Dominique Damico were next in the ring and also went clean in a time of 40.153. Debbie McCarthy Connor returned on the 9 year old "Sashi W" and jumped a solid clea round in 43.959. Moving up in the order, to give Jennifer more time, was Olympic veteran Kirk Webby. Kirk, riding "Brando Du Rouet" raced around the course taking all the inside turns and stopped the clock in the winning time of 35.903. Jennifer returned with her 2nd ride "Kaskade" and jumped clean in 42.697. Last to challenge, was Brooke Kemper on "Classified". Brooke had 4 faults in a very fast time of 36.254. Kirk was very pleased with "Brando's" victory since the horse has just returned to competition after a year and a half lay off for a fractured leg he suffered in the paddock. RESULTS 1st. Brando Du Rouet-Kirk Webby-0-0-35.903 2nd. Marshmellow-Jennifer Rossire-0-0-38.047 3rd. Canoso-Dominique Damico-0-0-40.153 4th. Kaskade-Jennifer Rossire-0-0-42.697 5th. Sashi W-Debbie McCarthy Connor-0-0-43.959 6th. Classified-Brooke Kemper-0-4-36.254 7th. Laspari-Adrienne Marciano-1-76.224 8th. Zim-Debbie McCarthy Connor-3-78.457 9th. Loxley-Dawn Fieschel-4-71.836 10th. Quincey-Wilhelmina Horzepa-4-72.327 11th. Platinum-Caitlin Ivey-4-72.658 12th. Reddit-Brian Murphy-4-73.766