The two star competition in Belgiums Sentower Park this weekend has just announced the master list. It will be a beautiful weekend full of world class riders. We will see for example Australian Eventer Christopher Burton with three of his horses Bahira, Graf Liberty and Limited Edition. For the Belgium equipe we find many top riders in the competition with for example Pieter Clemens with Corelli, Jalisco F and Lillebebegaards Aamaflair, Viktor Daem and his Cristello, Edgarrento and Eligius as well as Gilles Detry who will compete with Catwalk Capone and Dax van de Zandloper. We will also see Nadège Janssen with Charina, Checkpoint Chacco and Seahorse S, Jos Lansink with his Valdelamadre Clooney and Gudrun Patteet who will start with her Sea Coast Coco Berlini and Sea Coast Just the Music. Also Olivier Philippaerts with H&M Ikker and Isoline van Dorperheide has entered as well as Jos Verlooy with Caddie R, Farfelu de la Pomme and Japatero VDM and Wilm Vermeir with DM Jaqcmotte, Garrincha Hedoniste and Jes van 't Hoogeinde. For Brazil it will be Marlon Modolo Zanotelli with his Alicante and from Canada we find Tiffany Foster with Christos, Figor and Vienna and Eric Lamaze with his three horses Cessna, and his world class horse Fine Lady 5. While for Great Britain it will be Chloe Aston, Joe Clee and the Whitakers who will join with three members of the family. This will be Jack, Michael and Thomas Whitaker. For the Netherlands it will be Micheal Greeve with Whitney BB, Emir R and Turbo Z, Timothy Hendrix with two of his horses Duandra of the Lowlands Z and Euro Star, Kevin Jochems with Alcazar Sitte, Fireball & Quinoa des Riollets, Lisa Nooren and her Hocus Pocus de Muze and we will see the brothers Frank and Hendrik-Jan Schuttert, while also their father Jan Schuttert has entered the competition. Dutch's number one Harrie Smolders with Monaco, Surrimo and Zinius and also Sanne Thijssen with Celine M Z and Expert. For the American Team we also find Reed Kessler on the list with her Fibonnaci. 2017 two-star_master_list 2017_Young Horses master_list