Just in February of this year, Silke Druckenmüller was honored as the breeder of the most successful dressage horse of the 2022 season at the World Cup tournament in Bordeaux by WBFSH President Jan Pedersen - for the second time in a row. Silke Druckenmüller was not only responsible for the exceptional Trakehner mare TSF Dalera BB. In addition to the Easy Game daughter, her mare Dark Magic by Millennium produced Dallenio, who had already achieved success in the Intermediaire with Benjamin Werndl.

Dallenio's full sister, Dallenia, is also successful in the advanced class with the Danish rider Kristine Möller. Other rough diamonds are waiting in the wings. The breeding success guarantor, the Handry daughter Dark Magic, was discovered by Silke Druckenmüller in 2005 at Peter Kunath and acquired as a future riding and breeding horse. She turned out to be a once-in-a-lifetime horse for the enthusiastic Trakehner lover and produced top horses like pearls on a string under the breeder.

Source: Züchterforum