"The media is fighting a paradoxical battle with itself," writes Ludwig Verduyn, Belgium journalist. "In these times of Corona the hunger for news has never been bigger." Also our editorial staff noticed this growth. Last week we welcomed about 415.000 people in one week, normally that number is about 200.000 people. The equestrian community wants to be informed. Nevertheless the future is unclear. Events are on hold ... this results in different media taking drastic measures.
As example the Equ.Lifestyle magazine will be postponed, logically as this FREE magazine is distributed at events, but these are on hold. The real challenge is however to keep our editorial content interesting enough. A huge task with no events and sport to write about.
Another contradiction is advertisers putting their campaigns on hold or wait to start up their advertisements. Nevertheless this is a period in which advertisers would be able to reach more people. But that's not the way advertisers think. Customers stay at home, the consumption has reduced. That is why advertisers set everything on hold.
Meanwhile we keep busy creating content that is a must read and hope our articles will help you make this period of lockdown bearable.