Disclaimer: Toothache is not always the cause of these symptoms, so it is always recommended that you also call in a veterinarian.

1. Spillage when eating

If your horse spills a lot when eating, this almost always indicates dental problems. He/she is indicating that he/she cannot chew the food properly and is therefore letting it fall out of his/her mouth.

2. Weight loss

Weight loss actually stems from point 1. Because it cannot chew properly it does not get the necessary nutrients from the food and after a while it can cause weight loss or worse, colic.

3. Slow eating

A horse usually does not take long to eat its food. It is even good for the digestion if a horse does not eat too fast, but do you notice that your horse eats extremely slowly? Then be sure to have his teeth checked.

4. Bad smell form the mouth

Some dental problems can cause food to remain in the horse's mouth. That food can rot and thus cause an unpleasant odor. In addition, inflamed gums or wounds can also cause that smell.

5. Shy

If a horse behaves more shy than usual and does not let itself be touched on the head easily, it may be suffering from a toothache.