Equestrian may not be the most high-profile contest in the Olympics, but it’s undoubtedly the best. Well, at least according to some. Various reasons can be given, bus here are already some to convince you to share this thought....

1. It’s the only sport where men and women Olympians compete together

There are no men’s and women’s divisions. In short Equestrian is gender equal. You want pure, unabridged equality between the sexes? Then look no further than equestrian, because it’s the one sport that actually does it.

2. It has the best diversity between ages

Not is it only gender equal, it s a sport for "all" ages as well. No other Olympic sport — not even golf, which is notorious in this regard — boasts a greater diversity of ages. Brazilian rider Giovana Prado Pass is the youngest of the competition this year at 18, while Julie Brougham, at 61, is the oldest. At the 2012 Olympics, 71-year-old Hiroshi Hoketsu (who would’ve been in the games again this year had his horse not fallen ill) competed alongside a newly-minted 18 year-old Reed Kessler.

3. It’s the only Olympic sport that includes animals

Not only do these Olympians have to master their own training, they have to do the same with an animal that can weigh over 1,000 pounds. It elevates the idea of teamwork into a different stratosphere, and you can make a solid case that there’s no bigger challenge in all of sports. Blom Merel, NED, Rumour Has It Olympic Games Rio 2016 © Hippo Foto - Dirk Caremans 09/08/16

4. The horses are treated like kings

Not only the riders, but also the four-legged athletes are treated like kings and queens. Some of them even have their own personal psychologists. Other a complete team to just take care of them. Equestrian sports also keeps a thought to the mental and physical state of the horse. thumbs up !

5. It probably might be the most dangerous Olympic sport

Again, these animals can weigh more than 1,000 pounds. Any miscues from either the horse or the rider can result in serious injury. The stakes are extremely high. Combining to ensure the worst doesn’t happen requires a kind of mastery that you won’t find in many other sports.

6. The outfits are boss

Who doesn’t love a good top hat every now and again? By the way, what other sport does competition in a costume. Like an actual costume? They all look like ready to leave for a wedding ... fabulous.

7. The range of events is unparalleled

Dressage, jumping, cross-country; they all demand from both the horse and the athlete a far-ranging set of skills that you can’t fake. You can have strengths and weaknesses, but any hint of one-dimensionalism and you won’t stand a chance of winning the gold. It’s an idea that every sport strives for, but very few actually accomplish.