At Sentower Park, an international competition continued just now with a class for 7- and 8-year-old horses; Directly against the clock jumping was held and the win went to Germany: Felix Hassmann counted on Catch Me 67 (by Cellestial) to jump a clear round in 57.69 seconds.
Omer Karaevli and Istinov (by Ustinov) finished in second place; They were able to jump a clear round and clocked off in 59.28 seconds. Bart Anthonissen and Orange Juice Castanoo (by Apple Juice) completed the top three after a clear round in 59.89 seconds.
Carina Trinolo Carbino (Hikarno du Perreon) and Bunoit Moeskops (Ofaline vh Haneweehof) finished in fourth and fifth place.