“As a little boy I was actually afraid of horses,” laughs Beerbaum. "So I almost never started riding at all. At the age of six I got a pony but he bit me. The love between him and me was therefore quickly cooled. I did not want to have anything to do with horses for years until I accompanied a friend of mine to the stables when I was about ten years old. I used to spend time there and watch him ride. There I decided I wanted to give it another shot, "he continues.

"I also believed for a long time that I was not good enough to make it at the higher level. I think the turning point in that area came when I was 17, when I became German Junior Champion. It was only then that I realized that I could actually ride ". Nevertheless, the start of his career was not smooth sailing: "My parents especially wanted me to look for a 'real' job, which often led to discussions. I even started an education at the university: I studied economics there. However, after four semesters I was able to make a deal with my parents. I took a gap year to fully focus on the horses. If then I found that I could not make it in equestrian sport, I would go back to college, I promised my parents. The rest is history", the German laughs.

Source: GCT Stars in the Spotlight