Richard Vogel, currently the top German show jumper (WR ranking 10), is the new rider and owner of the five-year-old rising star, Arezzo Man. He describes his future sports partner...
"Unfortunately I have to announce the owners of my top horse, Mr. Tac, (breeder: Edmond Meyers), has decided to entrust this magnificent horse to a new rider," says Luxembourgish rider, Victor...
Already one week further, the last edition of Jumping MEchelen is still in our minds. Relive the magi al and fun moments from Mechelen with our photographer: Houou Tomita!
Germany's Janne Friederike-Zimmerman has announced the sale of her trusted Chaka Chaka (breeder: Dan Lehmann). The eleven-year-old gelding has meanwhile arrived at his new home in the United States of America.
Germany's Janne Friederike Meyer-Zimmerman has announced the passing away of her 30-year-old Callistro (Calato). The Holsteiner-grey jumped up to a 1.60m Grand Prix level with the German rider.
The Philippaerts family looks back with satisfaction on their performance at Jumping Mechelen. “Jumping Mechelen 2023 was an incredible edition for both our family and the organization,” Ludo says.
2023 what year ... our sport - yet again - guaranteed some magical moments. But let us remember the solidarity. The welfare of the horses and how this starts with...
Henrik von Eckermann snatched victory in the Mechelen World Cup on Saturday afternoon. Two slight slips from his Iliana (v. Cardento 933) probably cost him the victory, forcing him to...
Gregory Wathelet rocked the Nekkerhal on Saturday afternoon by taking the third podium step as the best Belgian after the World Cup. To do so, he counted on Bond Jamesbond...
This year as well, during Jumping Mechelen, one rider from the CSI5* competition was once again declared the best of the event. The title changed hands several times and ultimately...