The Dutch show jumper, Jur Vrieling, has announced the sale of his ten-year-old gelding, Jourdain VDL (Zapatero VDL). The Spanish show jumper, Carlos Lopez Fanjul, will be taking over the...
Irish show jumping rider, Cian O'Connor has again secured two horses for his sport stable. The two horses registered with Zangersheide, Bingo Z and Heart Getric van Beek Z are...
Belgium's Olympic show jumping rider, Jérôme Guery has welcomed a new Grand Prix-mare, Hoselinde (Campbell VDL x Zeus). Hoselinde is the sister to Guery's former Grand Prix-horse, Upper STar (Metall)....
Saudi-Arabia's Abdullah Alsharbatly has welcomed a new Grand Prix-horse in his stables. Tha 15-year-old KWPN-stallion, Ermindo W moves from Switzerland's Bryan Balsinger's stables to Alsharbatly's
Stoeterij Duyselhof in Hoogeloon has sold one of its top-ranked horses. 11-year-old grey gelding VDL Groep Iron Z, bred and trained by Stoeterij Duyselshof, has been purchased by Irish equestrian...
Beth Underhill moves to Ireland as the Canadian showjumper and former Olympian joins the Coolmore Showjumping stable.
Kendra Claricia Brinkop must let go of Quercus van den Oude Eik. The 8-year-old gelding by Jenson van 't Meulenhof x Darco had been working under the saddle of the...
After Calvino II De Nyze from Thibeau Spits already moved to Janne-Friederike Meyer, the Dutch rider - sponsored by Iron Dames - can also expect two new talents in her...
On Monday was revealed, Belgium's youth rider, Thibeau Spits, parts ways with his trusted top horse, Calvino II de Nyze Z. "It is with a double feeling we part ways,...
The dream duo, Thibeau Spits and his Calvino II de Nyze Z, has come to an end. The stallion, approved for BWP and Zangersheide, is the second top horse to...