Together they attended shows at top level such as the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon (USA) and 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games. But they also showed at 2019 Pan American Games in Lima (PER) where the pair won the silver medal as a member of the Mexican team as well as they took part in the 2018 Longines FEI Nations Cup in Dublin (IRL). They were victorious in numerous big classes such as Mannheim, Monterey, Coapexpan, Del Mar, Samorin, Wellington etc... 

Gonzalez wrote a personal post on his Instagram saying: I would like to pay tribute to this incredible mare, partner and friend CHACNA. She made me learn, appreciate, win, loose and be grateful. We were able to WIN all over the world..." 

"... I will make sure she has the best retirement that she deserves, hopefully for many more years to come. Thanks to all the people involved in her amazing career: Luis Guarneros who took care of her all these years, Laura Berube, who road her and brought her back every time, my wife Monica who supported me in every step of the way and most important Alli Lewaetz, without her I would have never had the chance to keep Chacna. HAPPY RETIREMENT MY GIRL."

We wish Chacna a very well deserved retirement and lots of fresh grass and cuddles! 

Copyright photo: Houou Tomita