Edwina Tops is one of the most successful riders on the international jumping circuit. She tells us what she thinks it takes to make it at the highest level. Or: Edwina Tops Alexander in her own words!
Work hard
"It's probably a cliché but you can't make it in the horse world if you're not willing to work hard. Getting good results, of course, always keeps you driven. However, you have to realize that it's not just about results. If my horses learn something new every day or do something well, I am already satisfied. I know we are going in the right direction and that gives me a lot of satisfaction. When you bake a cake, you need all the right ingredients to get the perfect result; that's how it is with everything in life - including horse racing!"
Adapt your training to your horse
"Horses are like people, some are quickly stressed, some learn slowly, and some can pick up new things very quickly; but a difference in the speed at which a horse learns does not mean a lack of talent. For this reason, it is vital that you know your horse well to give him the time he needs to understand what you are asking of him.
Stay with your feet on the ground
"It is important to stay with both feet on the ground and realize that we are all equal, no matter who you are. Whether you are a young rider or an Olympic athlete - as long as you work for it, I have the utmost respect for you."
Stay positive, even when you make mistakes
"I don't see a mistake as something negative, that's the only way to learn how to improve and realize why our mistakes happen. There are many riders who don't want to admit they are wrong and they are quick to shift the blame to the horse, but if you can't understand your mistakes; then you will never be able to overcome them."
Follow your passion
"I don't believe anyone can be really good at what they do unless they absolutely love it."
Treat all your horses with respect
"If you give respect, you should get it back, horses are very forgiving and vulnerable, and you should never take them for granted - they only give you good energy if that is what they should get from you."
Accept and appreciate help
"It is always important to be open and understanding of the knowledge of others on your team. I'm lucky to have fantastic sponsors and help from my husband and team; it's not possible to do everything alone."
Source: FEI