Christian Ahlmann won this afternoon the World Cup of Mechelen with his Zangersheide stallion Clintrexo Z (by Clintissimo Z). They rode two magnifiscent rounds which made him the fastest of the four riders in the jump off. His competition was Kevin Staut, Ludger Beerbaum and Harrie Smolders. His win means he goes up in the current standings of the world Cup, he goes into sixth place now. Ahlmann can look back at some good competition here in Mechelen: "For us Mechelen is always a good ending of the year. There is the traditional day that is fully focused on the breeding, so it's important that we show us here. So with the young horses as with the stallions. I was very happy when I won the Sires of the World, but now this win makes it complete." For Ahlmann Mechelen is always a good concours to compete because his son Léon can be there with him: "My son Léon is one of my biggest supporters. He follows all of my results and always hopes for the best. That's why Mechelen is always extra fun: throughout the year I'm a lot alone when I'm at the competition. Here in Mechelen we are surrounded by family and friends and that motivates you to even do better than other competitions." Before he entered the jump off, he clearly had one purpose: winning. "I saw the jump off of Kevin and knew I had to do everything and take some extra risks. I'm very happy everything turned out well. Clintrexo has given his best till the very last jump and stayed focused even when I took some short turnes. I'm very happy to end 2018 like this, I wouldn't have dreamed about an end like this."