In Liverpool, the last class of the day was a 1m50 class with jump-off. 29 combinations entered the show ring, eight of them jumped a clear first round and were invited to come back for the jump-off. In that jump-off, it were clearly the lady riders who ruled the show. Charlotte Bettendorf and Hope Street (f. Casall) cleared the course in 31,37 seconds, leaving the wood untouched. Holly Smith and Claddagh Iroko (f. Irkoko) followed on second place. They cleared the jump-off in 21,77 seconds. Billy Twomey and the Zangersheide Stallion Caht Botte E.D. (f. Casall) completed the top three. They crossed the finish line in 32,46 seconds without making any mistakes. Louise Saywell (Charina) and Harry Charles (Sieco) completed the top five.