At the Global Champion Tour in Antwerp, the 2-star 1.40 m class has just come to an end. The American lady rider Hilary MC Nerney won with Z Acodate DDL. They jumped a clear second phase in 30.00 seconds. The Belgian Leonie Peeters stood in the lead for a very long time, but in the end she had to settle for the second place. She and Catho finished in 30.36, a very fast time, but not enough to beat Mc Nerney. On number three, we see the Belgian flag waving again. Hendrik Denutte and Antigone crossed the finish line in 30.48. Tim Gredley saddled Unex Omega Star and finished on fourth place. The time of Valentin Marcote and I'm Quite Bright (Quite Capitol x I Love You) was good for the fifth place. Other combinations that were able to place them self were Samuel Hutton (Carita Gratia), Wouter Devos (Emporio van T Holeinde) and Tiffany Foster (Cadalora P). Click here for the results