RosselladeSimone.jpgIn the Italian Arezzo the Belgian and Italian riders impressed the audience during the 1m40 and 1m45-class. In the 1m40 it was Belgian Young Rider Pieter Clemens and Esprit van de Wellington who were victorious. Followed by a platoon of 4 Italian riders, leaded by Emilio Bicocchi (Rockman de l'Abbye). The pair finished the Jump-off in a time of 26:19 seconds. Over one second slower as Pieter Clemens and over one second faster as third place rider, Fian Marco Panini and Goto del Terriccio. Simone Coata (Chika's Way) and Emiliano Liberati (Ustinov) ended in the fourth and fifth place while the Belgian Rossella De Simone (Lagon de l'Abbaye) had to be satisfied with a 10th place. Also for the 1m45 competition course designer Frank Rothenberger had set up a nice round for the 54 starters. Polish rider Igor Kawiak (Neuf de Coeur Tardonne) scored a first place after a clear Jump-Off in 25:23 seconds. The Dutchmen Wesley Heijdens (Pavarotti H) followed in second place before Belgian Young Rider Nicola Philippaerts and Rochet de la Vaulx, who finished in a time of 26:33 seconds. World Champion, Philippe Le Jeune, also left the fences untouched. On the back of Once de Kreisker the Belgian rider finished in a tme of 26:52 seconds, good for a fifth place. ©