The opening speedclass of the worldcup finals in Las Vegas began with an exciting clear round of Jos Verlooy and his Domino. Setting the bar, the crowd went crazy when suddenly Dutch rider Jur Vrieling with DL Zirocco Blue N.O.P. (by Mr. Blue), rode the exact same time as French Patrice Delaveau and his 13 year old Orient Express Hdc (by Quick Star). Both finished their course in 66.44 seconds. But it was 19-year-old Bertram Allen who rode to victory. Aboard Molly Malone (by Kannan) the young Irish rider set the time at 65.45 seconds. Second place was for USA's Richard Feller and Flexible, aged 19 years now. Minor set back was the collicing of Marcus Ehning's Singular LS la Silla. The 9 year old Chapultepec la Silla-son was sent to the hospital, but didn't need any surgery.